Official website of Kavaratti Smart City
Phone: +91-4896-262143 email: smartkavaratti(at)gmail(dot)com

Projects Details

Project Name Integrated Command Control Center.
Description Integrated Command Control Center will be useful during cyclone, or any other calamity.
Status Tendered
Project Type Smart City Mission
Sector Safety
Total Cost (in Lakh) 2002.00
KSCL Fund (in Lakh) 2002.00
Convergence Fund (in Lakh) 0.00
Expenditure (in Lakh) 0.00
Project Start Date
Expenditure as on Date
Balance to be paid 0.00
Remarks 1. RFP for Establishment of ICCC was floated vide F.No. 48/Smart City/2022 dated 20.02.2023 2. Technical bid was opened on 19.05.2023. 3. Tender under finalization.
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