Official website of Kavaratti Smart City
Phone: +91-4896-262143 email: smartkavaratti(at)gmail(dot)com

Project Detail

Project Name Introduction of Battery Operated Vehicles
  • It was decided to procure e- Vehicles (car/van Models) from BHEL/Other Govt. Companies.
  • LEDA will procure these vehicles.
  • Rs. 83,57,839/- Deposited with LEDA.
  • Status
    • DPR approved
    Status Completed
    Project Type Smart City Mission
    Sector Energy
    Total Cost (in Lakh) 100.00
    KSCL Fund (in Lakh) 100.00
    Convergence Fund (in Lakh) 0.00
    Expenditure (in Lakh) 0.00
    Project Start Date
    Expenditure as on Date
    Balance to be paid 0.00
    Remarks Work can be executed by LEDA (Lakshadweep Energy Development Authority)